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✔ Independent of your physical workstation, the desktop is accessible from any connected workstation! No more data is stored on the workstations and no files are running on the network.
✔ Use of the user / password (SSH in an encrypted tunnel), allowing strong access security to which we can add other mechanisms (token, SMS sending of additional code for single use, etc.)
✔ Each user evolves in a fully controlled environment, his actions are controlled (or not) and can be stored. The system administration is total, all security being concentrated on a single point, the server DotRiver.
✔ Network: the connection is established via our client using the SSH-X protocol.
✔ Integration of security software: DotRiver integrates a large number of security software and solutions (chkrootkit, khunter, clamAV, tripwire, denyhost, etc.) on its servers.
DotRiver uses a GNU / Linux operating system to run its servers and workstation virtualization solution. In addition to the native multi-user aspects, it is also used by a very large number of companies and in particular for security functions.
DotRiver is a Free Digital Enterprise (ENL). Our main objective is to guarantee the functioning of all the office automation of a company, an administration.
The use of free software allows us to know exactly how these software works and how they could be, for example, improved. The communities are very reactive, the sources and formats are public, which makes it possible to palliate a possible inertia of a publisher.
✔ Control of access to available files and programs
✔ Collaborative working group, access list
✔ Control of access to the Internet
✔ Monitoring software, administration (Nagios, Munin, Centreon, Logwatch, Squid)
✔ Strong login authentication: password quality control, change rules, identity theft detection on IP origin, temporary codes sent by SMS, etc.
✔ Secure and centralize data: backup, anti-virus, anti-spyware, access control to peripherals, etc.
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